Standard model has two RS232 ports and 8 volt-free trigger inputs, Three RS232 ports, RS485, USB and Ethernet options available.
Optional telephone interface with voice prompts and programmable text messaging (programming pack required).
Connex Page PC paging software is available which can access multiple Connexions transmitters over LAN or VPN.
Expandable MultI-input module (VDI-Pro) available with up to 64 volt-free or voltage inputs.
Optional Internal Protocol Conversion module to enable data from third party panels to be paged.
Most major fire panels, intruder panels and nurse-call systems are supported (phone for more details).
High quality transmitter modules provides rock-solid RF performance.
Ranges of up to a mile with basic antenna shown (1-5 miles possible with external antennas/amplifiers).
UHF POCSAG signalling format ensures excellent propagation even in difficult environments.
Connexions 5 is now available with new high output power transmitter module.