SKU: IP470 Categories: ,


The IP470 provides an IP platform for legacy INTERCALL 600/700 systems powered by the older generation power supplies. This IP platform captures the date and time of system activity, and allows greater connectivity and integration for legacy systems to benefit from the latest IP product releases.

Data Logging
All system events, times and actions are automatically captured and logged. Data can be retrieved and sorted either using the embedded search facility or by downloading results to a spreadsheet.

Paging Integration
The IP470 includes a built in RS232 serial port and powerful dispatch engine to communicate and program paging equipment.

PC Management
The IP470 allows your legacy system to be networked, providing a platform for additional software such as our Windows CMSIP Call Management software.

Intercall Cloud
Provides the IP bridge for legacy systems allowing a Cloud gateway to be introduced for advanced secure remote call logging.

IP470 – IP Legacy Gateway Interface

SKU: IP470 Categories: ,

Sensorium work together with these providers

  • Over the years we have always been impressed both with the quality of the Intercall equipment and with the professionalism of the Sensorium people. We had no hesitation in naming the Intercall system for our latest home development in Falkland.Colin Smart, MD, Kingdom Homes Ltd.
  • I have always found the entire team to be extremely helpful and understanding. They go out of their way to help you find a solution to a problem - always designed with your interests in mind and not financially driven. I would have no hesitation in recommending Sensorium as the number one supplier in the field.Adrian Hendry - Avondale Care Scotland Ltd (Aug 2012).
  • I find Sensorium very helpful, either by email, landline or mobile. I would recommend their company and equipment with excellent features for adaptability.Graham Martin (EngTech MIET MIHEEM) – NHS Highland, Raigmore Hospital.
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