SKU: GEO28V3M Categories: ,



Four button operation with icon driven menu options make the GEO 28V2 pager quick and easy to use.

There are two selectable display modes; 4 lines of 20 characters or 2 lines of 12 characters.

The two-line display with its large characters is ideal for applications such as Nurse Call where it is vital that the call is read and acted upon quickly.

Add to this a compact ergonomic case design and USB charging and you have a classic pager suitable for most paging applications.

USB rechargeable text pager, switchable 2 – 4 line display C/W bungee, holster and battery

GEO28V3M – Rechargeable Alphanumeric Pager

SKU: GEO28V3M Categories: ,

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  • Over the years we have always been impressed both with the quality of the Intercall equipment and with the professionalism of the Sensorium people. We had no hesitation in naming the Intercall system for our latest home development in Falkland.Colin Smart, MD, Kingdom Homes Ltd.
  • I have always found the entire team to be extremely helpful and understanding. They go out of their way to help you find a solution to a problem - always designed with your interests in mind and not financially driven. I would have no hesitation in recommending Sensorium as the number one supplier in the field.Adrian Hendry - Avondale Care Scotland Ltd (Aug 2012).
  • I find Sensorium very helpful, either by email, landline or mobile. I would recommend their company and equipment with excellent features for adaptability.Graham Martin (EngTech MIET MIHEEM) – NHS Highland, Raigmore Hospital.
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